New package {armgin} to summarise all margins of data frames

A one-liner for when they want everything by everything.

Duncan Garmonsway
January 2, 2019

Some people want everything summarised by everything else. Who are we to refuse? So here’s a one-liner to deliver what they want, and you can take the rest of 2019 off.

[This is also useful in Shiny apps to replace a slow summarise() with fast filter().]

armgin::margins() is a function in the armgin R package to summarise all combinations of grouping variables at once. For example, vote counts by

* voting place, ward, constituency, party, candidate
* voting place, ward, constituency, party
* voting place, ward, constituency
* voting place, ward,
* voting place

Or with hierarchy = FALSE and grouping by only voting place, ward and constituency (for brevity)

* voting place, ward, constituency

* voting place, ward
* voting place, constituency
* ward, constituency

* voting place
* ward
* constituency

Groups are defined as normal by dplyr::group_by() and then piped into armgin::margins().


mtcars %>%
  group_by(cyl, gear, am) %>%
  margins(mpg = mean(mpg),
          hp = min(hp)) %>%
  print(n = Inf)

# A tibble: 21 x 5
# Groups:   cyl [3]
     cyl  gear    am   mpg    hp
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     4    NA    NA  26.7    52
 2     6    NA    NA  19.7   105
 3     8    NA    NA  15.1   150
 4     4     3    NA  21.5    97
 5     4     4    NA  26.9    52
 6     4     5    NA  28.2    91
 7     6     3    NA  19.8   105
 8     6     4    NA  19.8   110
 9     6     5    NA  19.7   175
10     8     3    NA  15.0   150
11     8     5    NA  15.4   264
12     4     3     0  21.5    97
13     4     4     0  23.6    62
14     4     4     1  28.0    52
15     4     5     1  28.2    91
16     6     3     0  19.8   105
17     6     4     0  18.5   123
18     6     4     1  21     110
19     6     5     1  19.7   175
20     8     3     0  15.0   150
21     8     5     1  15.4   264

Output individual data frames with bind = FALSE.

mtcars %>%
  group_by(cyl, gear, am) %>%
  margins(mpg = mean(mpg),
          hp = min(hp),
          bind = FALSE)

# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups:   cyl [3]
    cyl   mpg    hp
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     4  26.7    52
2     6  19.7   105
3     8  15.1   150

# A tibble: 8 x 4
# Groups:   cyl, gear [8]
    cyl  gear   mpg    hp
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     4     3  21.5    97
2     4     4  26.9    52
3     4     5  28.2    91
4     6     3  19.8   105
5     6     4  19.8   110
6     6     5  19.7   175
7     8     3  15.0   150
8     8     5  15.4   264

# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Groups:   cyl, gear, am [10]
     cyl  gear    am   mpg    hp
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     4     3     0  21.5    97
 2     4     4     0  23.6    62
 3     4     4     1  28.0    52
 4     4     5     1  28.2    91
 5     6     3     0  19.8   105
 6     6     4     0  18.5   123
 7     6     4     1  21     110
 8     6     5     1  19.7   175
 9     8     3     0  15.0   150
10     8     5     1  15.4   264


You can install the development version from GitHub with devtools or remotes.


Motivating example

What are the salaries of various jobs, grades and professions in the UK’s Joint Nature Conservation Committee?



# organogram.csv is from "",

organogram <-
  read_csv("organogram.csv") %>%
  replace_na(list(Grade = "Other"))

It could be a hierarchy with the whole JNCC Organisation at the top, then Grade within that, then Profession as the bottom grouping.

organogram  %>%
  group_by(Organisation, Grade, `Professional/Occupational Group`) %>%
  margins(min = min(`Payscale Minimum (£)`),
          max = max(`Payscale Maximum (£)`),
          fte = sum(`Number of Posts in FTE`)) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, replace_na, "All") %>%
  print(n = Inf)

# A tibble: 33 x 6
# Groups:   Organisation [1]
   Organisation        Grade `Professional/Occupat…   min   max    fte
   <chr>               <chr> <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Joint Nature Conse… All   All                    16284 63271 179.  
 2 Joint Nature Conse… AA    All                    16284 17560   1   
 3 Joint Nature Conse… AO    All                    18515 21226   9.3 
 4 Joint Nature Conse… H     All                    27398 33159  62   
 5 Joint Nature Conse… O     All                    22143 26945  19.6 
 6 Joint Nature Conse… Other All                    44671 63271  25.8 
 7 Joint Nature Conse… S     All                    35175 41889  61.1 
 8 Joint Nature Conse… AA    Knowledge and Informa… 16284 17560   1   
 9 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Finance                18515 21226   1   
10 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Human Resources        18515 21226   1   
11 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Information Technology 18515 21226   1   
12 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Knowledge and Informa… 18515 21226   5.3 
13 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Science and Engineeri… 18515 21226   1   
14 Joint Nature Conse… H     Communications         27398 33159   1.5 
15 Joint Nature Conse… H     Finance                27398 33159   1.89
16 Joint Nature Conse… H     Human Resources        27398 33159   2   
17 Joint Nature Conse… H     Knowledge and Informa… 27398 33159   8.64
18 Joint Nature Conse… H     Science and Engineeri… 27398 33159  48.0 
19 Joint Nature Conse… O     Communications         22143 26945   1   
20 Joint Nature Conse… O     Finance                22143 26945   1   
21 Joint Nature Conse… O     Human Resources        22143 26945   1.6 
22 Joint Nature Conse… O     Knowledge and Informa… 22143 26945   5   
23 Joint Nature Conse… O     Science and Engineeri… 22143 26945  11   
24 Joint Nature Conse… Other Finance                44671 53196   1   
25 Joint Nature Conse… Other Human Resources        44671 53196   1   
26 Joint Nature Conse… Other Information Technology 44671 53196   2   
27 Joint Nature Conse… Other Knowledge and Informa… 44671 53196   2   
28 Joint Nature Conse… Other Science and Engineeri… 44671 63271  19.8 
29 Joint Nature Conse… S     Communications         35175 41889   2   
30 Joint Nature Conse… S     Finance                35175 41889   2   
31 Joint Nature Conse… S     Human Resources        35175 41889   0.69
32 Joint Nature Conse… S     Information Technology 35175 41889   1   
33 Joint Nature Conse… S     Science and Engineeri… 35175 41889  55.4 

Or it could be a different hierarchy, with Grade grouped inside Profession.

organogram  %>%
  group_by(Organisation, `Professional/Occupational Group`, Grade) %>%
  margins(min = min(`Payscale Minimum (£)`),
          max = max(`Payscale Maximum (£)`),
          fte = sum(`Number of Posts in FTE`)) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, replace_na, "All") %>%
  print(n = Inf)

# A tibble: 33 x 6
# Groups:   Organisation [1]
   Organisation        `Professional/Occupat… Grade   min   max    fte
   <chr>               <chr>                  <chr> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Joint Nature Conse… All                    All   16284 63271 179.  
 2 Joint Nature Conse… Communications         All   22143 41889   4.5 
 3 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                All   18515 53196   6.89
 4 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        All   18515 53196   6.29
 5 Joint Nature Conse… Information Technology All   18515 53196   4   
 6 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… All   16284 53196  21.9 
 7 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… All   18515 63271 135.  
 8 Joint Nature Conse… Communications         H     27398 33159   1.5 
 9 Joint Nature Conse… Communications         O     22143 26945   1   
10 Joint Nature Conse… Communications         S     35175 41889   2   
11 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                AO    18515 21226   1   
12 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                H     27398 33159   1.89
13 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                O     22143 26945   1   
14 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                Other 44671 53196   1   
15 Joint Nature Conse… Finance                S     35175 41889   2   
16 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        AO    18515 21226   1   
17 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        H     27398 33159   2   
18 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        O     22143 26945   1.6 
19 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        Other 44671 53196   1   
20 Joint Nature Conse… Human Resources        S     35175 41889   0.69
21 Joint Nature Conse… Information Technology AO    18515 21226   1   
22 Joint Nature Conse… Information Technology Other 44671 53196   2   
23 Joint Nature Conse… Information Technology S     35175 41889   1   
24 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… AA    16284 17560   1   
25 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… AO    18515 21226   5.3 
26 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… H     27398 33159   8.64
27 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… O     22143 26945   5   
28 Joint Nature Conse… Knowledge and Informa… Other 44671 53196   2   
29 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… AO    18515 21226   1   
30 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… H     27398 33159  48.0 
31 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… O     22143 26945  11   
32 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… Other 44671 63271  19.8 
33 Joint Nature Conse… Science and Engineeri… S     35175 41889  55.4 

Or there could be no hierarchy, with all combinations of Organisation, Grade and Profession equally valid subsets.

organogram %>%
  group_by(Organisation, Grade, `Professional/Occupational Group`) %>%
  margins(min = min(`Payscale Minimum (£)`),
          max = max(`Payscale Maximum (£)`),
          fte = sum(`Number of Posts in FTE`),
          hierarchy = FALSE) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, replace_na, "All") %>%
  print(n = Inf)

# A tibble: 77 x 6
# Groups:   Organisation [2]
   Organisation        Grade `Professional/Occupat…   min   max    fte
   <chr>               <chr> <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Joint Nature Conse… All   All                    16284 63271 179.  
 2 <NA>                AA    All                    16284 17560   1   
 3 <NA>                AO    All                    18515 21226   9.3 
 4 <NA>                H     All                    27398 33159  62   
 5 <NA>                O     All                    22143 26945  19.6 
 6 <NA>                Other All                    44671 63271  25.8 
 7 <NA>                S     All                    35175 41889  61.1 
 8 <NA>                All   Communications         22143 41889   4.5 
 9 <NA>                All   Finance                18515 53196   6.89
10 <NA>                All   Human Resources        18515 53196   6.29
11 <NA>                All   Information Technology 18515 53196   4   
12 <NA>                All   Knowledge and Informa… 16284 53196  21.9 
13 <NA>                All   Science and Engineeri… 18515 63271 135.  
14 Joint Nature Conse… AA    All                    16284 17560   1   
15 Joint Nature Conse… AO    All                    18515 21226   9.3 
16 Joint Nature Conse… H     All                    27398 33159  62   
17 Joint Nature Conse… O     All                    22143 26945  19.6 
18 Joint Nature Conse… Other All                    44671 63271  25.8 
19 Joint Nature Conse… S     All                    35175 41889  61.1 
20 Joint Nature Conse… All   Communications         22143 41889   4.5 
21 Joint Nature Conse… All   Finance                18515 53196   6.89
22 Joint Nature Conse… All   Human Resources        18515 53196   6.29
23 Joint Nature Conse… All   Information Technology 18515 53196   4   
24 Joint Nature Conse… All   Knowledge and Informa… 16284 53196  21.9 
25 Joint Nature Conse… All   Science and Engineeri… 18515 63271 135.  
26 <NA>                AA    Knowledge and Informa… 16284 17560   1   
27 <NA>                AO    Finance                18515 21226   1   
28 <NA>                AO    Human Resources        18515 21226   1   
29 <NA>                AO    Information Technology 18515 21226   1   
30 <NA>                AO    Knowledge and Informa… 18515 21226   5.3 
31 <NA>                AO    Science and Engineeri… 18515 21226   1   
32 <NA>                H     Communications         27398 33159   1.5 
33 <NA>                H     Finance                27398 33159   1.89
34 <NA>                H     Human Resources        27398 33159   2   
35 <NA>                H     Knowledge and Informa… 27398 33159   8.64
36 <NA>                H     Science and Engineeri… 27398 33159  48.0 
37 <NA>                O     Communications         22143 26945   1   
38 <NA>                O     Finance                22143 26945   1   
39 <NA>                O     Human Resources        22143 26945   1.6 
40 <NA>                O     Knowledge and Informa… 22143 26945   5   
41 <NA>                O     Science and Engineeri… 22143 26945  11   
42 <NA>                Other Finance                44671 53196   1   
43 <NA>                Other Human Resources        44671 53196   1   
44 <NA>                Other Information Technology 44671 53196   2   
45 <NA>                Other Knowledge and Informa… 44671 53196   2   
46 <NA>                Other Science and Engineeri… 44671 63271  19.8 
47 <NA>                S     Communications         35175 41889   2   
48 <NA>                S     Finance                35175 41889   2   
49 <NA>                S     Human Resources        35175 41889   0.69
50 <NA>                S     Information Technology 35175 41889   1   
51 <NA>                S     Science and Engineeri… 35175 41889  55.4 
52 Joint Nature Conse… AA    Knowledge and Informa… 16284 17560   1   
53 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Finance                18515 21226   1   
54 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Human Resources        18515 21226   1   
55 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Information Technology 18515 21226   1   
56 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Knowledge and Informa… 18515 21226   5.3 
57 Joint Nature Conse… AO    Science and Engineeri… 18515 21226   1   
58 Joint Nature Conse… H     Communications         27398 33159   1.5 
59 Joint Nature Conse… H     Finance                27398 33159   1.89
60 Joint Nature Conse… H     Human Resources        27398 33159   2   
61 Joint Nature Conse… H     Knowledge and Informa… 27398 33159   8.64
62 Joint Nature Conse… H     Science and Engineeri… 27398 33159  48.0 
63 Joint Nature Conse… O     Communications         22143 26945   1   
64 Joint Nature Conse… O     Finance                22143 26945   1   
65 Joint Nature Conse… O     Human Resources        22143 26945   1.6 
66 Joint Nature Conse… O     Knowledge and Informa… 22143 26945   5   
67 Joint Nature Conse… O     Science and Engineeri… 22143 26945  11   
68 Joint Nature Conse… Other Finance                44671 53196   1   
69 Joint Nature Conse… Other Human Resources        44671 53196   1   
70 Joint Nature Conse… Other Information Technology 44671 53196   2   
71 Joint Nature Conse… Other Knowledge and Informa… 44671 53196   2   
72 Joint Nature Conse… Other Science and Engineeri… 44671 63271  19.8 
73 Joint Nature Conse… S     Communications         35175 41889   2   
74 Joint Nature Conse… S     Finance                35175 41889   2   
75 Joint Nature Conse… S     Human Resources        35175 41889   0.69
76 Joint Nature Conse… S     Information Technology 35175 41889   1   
77 Joint Nature Conse… S     Science and Engineeri… 35175 41889  55.4 


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Garmonsway (2019, Jan. 2). Duncan Garmonsway: New package {armgin} to summarise all margins of data frames. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Garmonsway, Duncan},
  title = {Duncan Garmonsway: New package {armgin} to summarise all margins of data frames},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}