Reading week
This week I am reading Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath. Each day I post my prior beliefs about Bayesian Statistics, read a bit, and update them. See also Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5.
Prior beliefs
- Bayesian statistics is a way to combine distributions by a kind of averaging.
- Andrew Gelman is intimidating.
- Bayesian hypothesis testing is a thing Bayesians do in private when they realise they still have to make decisions somehow.
- You can choose any prior you want as long as it doesn’t really affect the posterior.
- None of this has anything whatsoever to do with Monte Carlo or the prosecutor’s fallacy. It’s actually about baseball.
- Bayesian methods are easy to understand unless you’ve been brainwashed by the frequentists.
- If computers had been invented before frequentist statistics, nobody would have invented frequentist statistics.
- They don’t teach Bayes to undergrads because it’s embarrassingly easy.
- Only pedants think there’s a meaningful difference between “confidence intervals” and “credible intervals”.
- Bayesian A/B testing is the acceptable face of early stopping, aka ethical and pragmatic experimental design.
- The Bayesian revival was masterminded by publishers to double their market by publishing Bayesian variants of everything.
- You can use Bayesian methods to account for measurement uncertainty.
- You can use Bayesian methods to account for prior beliefs.
- Physicists worked out all the useful Bayesian methods ages ago but they have way cooler things to boast about.
- Researchers use Bayes as an excuse to play with code.
- WinBUGS is a leading indicator of a bad course.
- STAN is the man.
- Statistics is a science of guesswork; decision-making with uncertainty.
- MCMC stands for Monte Casino Molotov Cocktail.
- It’s not about Bayes theorem.
- You can skip the calculus.
New data
- “So the book assumes the reader is ready to try doing statistical inference without p-values … the disregard paid to p-values is not a uniquely Bayesian attitude. Indeed, significance testing can be – and has been – formulated as a Bayesian procedure as well.”
- “My generation was probably the last to have to learn some programming to use a computer.” [not in the UK it wasn’t – Ed.]
1. The Golem of Prague
1.1 Statistical golems
- “Statistics is neither mathematics nor a science, but rather a branch of engineering.” p3.
- “If we keep adding new types of tools, soon there will be too many to keep track of.” p3.
- “Science is not described by the falsifications standard.”
1.2 Statistical rethinking
- “Statisticians, for their part, can derive pleasure from scolding scientists.”
- “Bayesian inference proceeds as usual, because the deterministic ‘noise’ can still be modelled using probability, as long as we don’t identify probability with frequency. As a result, the field of image reconstruction and processing is dominated by Bayesian algorithms.” p11.
- “Bayesian golems treat ‘randomness’ as a property of information, not of the world … From the perspective of our golem, the coin toss is ‘random’, but it’s really the golem that is random, not the coin.” p11.
- “Bayesian data analysis is just a logical procedure for processing information. There is a tradition of using this procedure as a normative description of rational belief, a tradition called ‘Bayesianism’. But this book neither describes nor advocates it.” p12.
- “Not only is there ‘Bayesian’ and ‘frequentist’ probability, but there are different versions of Bayesian probability even.” p12.
- “the Bayesian framework presents a distinct pedagogical advantage: many people find it more intuitive … very many scientists interpret non-Bayesian results in Bayesian terms, for example interpreting ordinary p-values as Bayesian posterior probabilities and non-Bayesian confidence intervals as Bayesian ones” p13.
- “as data sets have increased in scale … alternatives to or approximations to Bayesian inference remain important, and probably always will”.
- “any particular parameter can be usefully regarded as a placeholder of a missing model … it is simple enough to embed the new model inside the old one … such models have a natural Bayesian representation” p13.
- “Multilevel models allow us to preserve the uncertainty in the original, pre-averaged values, while still using the average to make predictions”. “multilevel regression deserves to be the default form of regression.”
- “The most important statistical phenomenon that you may have never heard of is ‘overfitting’” p15.
- “Markov chain Monte Carlo” p17.
2. Small Worlds and Large Worlds
- “Once you already know which information to ignore or attend to, being fully Bayesian is a waste.” p20.
2.1 The garden of forking data
- “the principle of indifference results in inferences very comparable to mainstream non-Bayesian approaches … Many non-Bayesian procedures have moved away from this, through the use of penalized likelihood and other methods.”
2.2 Building a model
- “the data could be presented to your model in any order, or all at once … it’s important to realize that this merely represents abbreviation of an iterated learning process.”
- “If the prior is a bad one, then the resulting inference will be misleading … A Bayesian golem must choose an initial plausibility, and a non-Bayesian golem must choose an estimator.”
- “The Bayesian model learns in a way that is demonstrably optimal, provided that the real, large world is accurately described by the model.”
- “The model’s certainty is no guarantee that the model is a good one.”
2.3 Components of the model
- “the most influential assumptions in both Bayesian and many non-Bayesian models are the likelihood functions and their relations to the parameters.”
- “in the Bayesian framework the distinction between a datum and a parameter is fuzzy”
- “In practice, the subjectivist and the non-subjectivist will often analyze data in nearly the same way.”
- “If you don’t have a strong argument for any particular prior, then try different ones … checking how sensitive inference is to the assumption.” p35.
- “Bayesian data analysis isn’t about Bayes’ theorem.”
2.4 Making the model go
- “knowing the mathematical rule is often of little help, because many of the interesting models in contemporary science cannot be conditioned formally, no matter your skill in mathematics.”
- “the logarithm of a Gaussian distribution forms a parabola”
- “The conceptual challenge with MCMC lies in its highly non-obvious strategy.”
3. Sampling the Imaginary
- “I don’t like these examples [prosecutor’s fallacy] .. there’s nothing really ‘Bayesian’ about them.”
- “Many scientists are quite shaky about integral calculus, even though they have strong and valid intuitions about how to summarize data.” p51.
- “The most important thing to do is to improve the base rate, Pr(true), and that requires thinking, not testing.” p52.
3.2 Sampling to summarize
- “there must be an infinite number of posterior intervals with the same mass. But if you want an interval that best represents the parameter values most consistent with the data, then you want the densest of these intervals. That’s what the HPDI is.” p56.
- “the HPDI has some advantages over the PI. But in most cases, these two types of interval are very similar … fetishizing precision to the 5th decimal place will not improve your science.”
- “the HPDI … suffers from greater simulation variance”
- “If the choice of interval type makes a big difference, then you shouldn’t be using intervals to summarize the posterior.”
- “The width of the interval, and the values it covers, can provide valuable advice.”
Updated beliefs
- ✓ means the data endorsed the prior belief.
- ✕ means the data countered the prior belief.
- ? means no data was observed.
strikethrough is no longer believed.
- italics is a new or modified belief.
- ✓ Bayesian statistics is a way to combine distributions by a kind of averaging.
Andrew Gelman is intimidating It’s difficult to do the right thing in statistics, but that doesn’t stop individual statisticians being very sure of themselves.
Bayesian hypothesis testing is a thing Bayesians do in private when they realise they still have to make decisions somehow Everyone knows that hypothesis tests are only one way to inform a decision. Bayesians don’t have anything special to say about it but they do anyway.
You can choose any prior you want as long as it doesn’t really affect the posterior If your model behaves unexpectedly then it might not be good enough. No mention of the risk that a well-behaved model confirms wrong beliefs.
- ✓ None of this has anything whatsoever to do with Monte Carlo or the prosecutor’s fallacy.
It’s actually about baseball
- ✓ Bayesian methods are easy to understand
unless you’ve been brainwashed by the frequentists
- ? If computers had been invented before frequentist statistics, nobody would have invented frequentist statistics.
- ✕ They
don’t teach Bayes to undergrads because it’s embarrassingly easy
- ✓ Only pedants think there’s a meaningful difference between “confidence intervals” and “credible intervals”.
- ? Bayesian A/B testing is the acceptable face of early stopping, aka ethical and pragmatic experimental design.
- ? The Bayesian revival was masterminded by publishers to double their market by publishing Bayesian variants of everything.
- ✓ You can use Bayesian methods to account for measurement uncertainty.
- ✓ You can use Bayesian methods to account for prior beliefs.
- ? Physicists worked out all the useful Bayesian methods ages ago but they have way cooler things to boast about.
- ✓ Researchers use Bayes as an excuse to play with code.
- ? WinBUGS is a leading indicator of a bad course.
- ? STAN is the man.
- ✓ Statistics is a science of guesswork; decision-making with uncertainty.
- ✕ MCMC stands for Monte Casino Molotov Cocktail.
- ✓ It’s not about Bayes theorem.
- ✓ You can skip the calculus.
Critic’s Choice
The analysis of the data as a maximum run length of one value, and the number of switches between values. It’s a neat illustration of a model that represents one aspect of reality but not every aspect. I’d like to know how sensitive ‘maximum run length’ and ‘number of switches’ are to the sample size.
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Garmonsway (2019, Feb. 18). Duncan Garmonsway: Rebel Bayes Day 1. Retrieved from
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author = {Garmonsway, Duncan},
title = {Duncan Garmonsway: Rebel Bayes Day 1},
url = {},
year = {2019}