Reading week
This week I am reading Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath. Each day I post my prior beliefs about Bayesian Statistics, read a bit, and update them. See also Day 1, Day 2, Day 4 and Day 5.
Prior beliefs
- The interaction term refers to our conviction that what we are concerned with here is the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.
- Just because I sympathise with you doesn’t mean you sympathise with me.
- If you include an interaction the you must (must not?) include the individual terms as well. R hedges its bets with syntax for either
or :
- STAN is the man.
- Markov chains are gone to the office now that’s a good idea to have a great day and I will be in the morning …
- Wardrobes with high entropy suffer less from overfitting.
Generalized linear models wouldn’t be such a big deal if everyone teaching undergrad stats had heeded Nelder’s and Wedderburn’s advice in the original paper to abandon t-tests, ANOVA, etc.
We hope that the approach developed in this paper will prove to be a useful way of unifying what are often presented as unrelated statistical procedures, and that this unification will simplify the teaching of the subject to both specialists and non-specialists.
New data
7. Interactions
- “Data are conditional on how they get into our sample.”
- “In generalized linear models … even when one does not explicitly define variables as interacting, they will always interact to some degree.”
- “every variable essentially interacts with itself, as the impact of change in its value will depend upon its current value.” Surely this is only when the variable has an exponent?
- “Common sorts of multilevel models are essentially massive interaction models.”
7.1 Building an interaction
- “you want to avoid accidental assumptions”
- “there are advantages to borrowing information across categories”
- “do information criteria make sense at all here? I think they do, but reasonable people can disagree on that point”
- “Too compute the posterior distribution of [the interaction term], you could do some integral calculus, or you could just process the samples from the posterior”
- “The distribution of their difference is not the same as the visual overlap of their marginal distributions.”
- “Your golem is skeptical, but it’s usually a good idea for you to remain skeptical of your golem.”
7.2 Symmetry of the linear interaction
- “While these two possibilities sound different to most humans, your golem thinks they are identical.”
- “And the entire mess is shown in Figure 7.6.”
7.3 Continuous interactions
- “I’ll use very flat priors here, so we get results nearly identical to typical maximum likelihood inference. This isn’t to imply that this is the best thing to do. It is not the best thing to do.”
- “The intercept actually means something, when you center the predictors. It becomes the grand mean of the outcome variable.”
- “If you don’t see how to read that from the number -52, you are in good company. And that’s why the best thing to do is to plot implied predictions.”
- “When would you ever fit this model [without main effects]? When you know a priori that there is no direct effect of [one parameter] on the outcome when [the other] is zero, by assumption.”
8. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- “Stan was a man”
- “Ulam applied it to designing fusion bombs.”
8.1 Good King Markov and His island kingdom
- “This procedure may seem baroque and, honestly, a bit crazy.”
8.2 Markov chain Monte Carlo
- “The goal is … to draw samples from an unknown and usually complex target distribution”
- "Conjugate pairs have analytical solutions for the posterior distribution of an individual parameter. And these solutions are what allow Gibbs sampling to make smart jumps around the joint posterior distribution of all parameters.
- “BUGS (Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling)”
- “JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler)”
- “choosing a prior so that the model fits efficiently isn’t really a strong argument from a scientific perspective.” It is when you’re Fisher and don’t have a computer.
- “Hamiltonian Monte Carlo … doesn’t need as many samples to describe the posterior distribution.”
- “HMC requires continuous parameters.”
- “a big limitation of HMC is that it needs to be tuned to a particular model and its data … Stan automates much of that tuning.”
8.3 Easy HMC: map2stan
- “installing Stan on your computer is the hardest part.”
- “there is so much data that the prior hardly matters.”
- “don’t panic when you see this message. Keep calm and sample on.”
- “quick checks of trace plots provide a lot of peace of mind.”
8.4 Care and feeding of your Markov chain
- “Most people who use [MCMC] don’t really understand what it is doing.”
- “It is very common to run more than one Markov chain, when estimating a single model … when deciding whether the chains are valid, you need more than one chain.”
- “One of the perks of using HMC and Stan is that … bad chains tend to have conspicuous behaviour”
- “Lost of problematic chains want subtle priors like these.”
- “When you are having trouble fitting a model, it often indicates a bad model.” (Gelman’s Folk Theorem of Statistical Computing)
- “Unless you believe infinity is a reasonable estimate, don’t use a flat prior.”
9. Big Entropy and the Generalized Linear Model
- “Exploiting entropy is not going to untie your cords.”
- “Choosing the distribution with the largest entropy means spreading probability as evenly as possible, while still remaining consistent with anything we think we know about a process.”
- “The posterior distribution has the greatest entropy relative to the prior … among all distributions consistent with the assumed constraints and the observed data.”
- “The posterior distribution has the smallest divergence from the prior that is possible while remaining consistent with the constraints and the data.”
9.1 Maximum entropy
- “[Maximum entropy] is the center of gravity for the highly plausible distributions.”
- “if all we are willing to assume about a collection of measurements is that they have a finite variance, then the Gaussian distribution represents the most conservative probability distribution to assign to those measurements.”
- “Entropy maximization, like so much in probability theory, is really just counting.”
- “There is no guarantee that this is the best probability distribution for the real problem you are analyzing. But there is a guarantee that no other distribution more conservatively reflects your assumptions.”
9.2 Generalized linear models
- “when the outcome variable is either discrete or bounded, a Gaussian likelihood is not the most powerful choice.”
- “age of cancer onset is approximately gamma distributed, since multiple events are necessary for onset.”
- “likelihoods are themselves prior probability distributions: They are priors for the data, conditional on the parameters.”
- “usually we require a link function to prevent mathematical accidents like negative distances or probability masses that exceed 1.”
- “The logit link maps a parameter that is defined as a probability mass, and therefore constrained to lie between zero and one, onto a linear model that can take on any real value.”
- “The log link transforms a linear model into a strictly positive measurement.”
- “Human height cannot be linearly related to weight forever, because very heavy people stop getting taller and start getting wider … for very big storms, damage may be capped by the fact that everything gets destroyed.”
- “If none of the alternative assumptions you consider have much impact on inference, that’s worth reporting.”
- “The goal of sensitivity analysis is really the opposite of p-hacking.”
- “A big beta-coefficient may not correspond to a big effect on the outcome.”
- “Unfortunately WAIC (or any other information criterion) cannot sort it out [compare models with different likelihood functions.]”
9.3 Maximum entropy priors
- “GLMs are easy to use with conventional weakly informative priors”
- “maximum entropy provides a way to generate a prior that embodies the background information, while assuming as little else as possible.” I’d like to know much more about this.
Updated beliefs
- ✓ The interaction term refers to our conviction that what we are concerned with here is the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.
- ✓ Just because I sympathise with you doesn’t mean you sympathise with me.
- ✕ If you include an interaction the you must (must not?) include the individual terms as well. R hedges its bets with syntax for either
or :
. It can be reasonable to omit the main effects, but each one can only be interpreted when the others are zero.
- ✕ STAN is the man. Stan was a man.
- ✕ Markov chains are gone to the office now that’s a good idea to have a great day and I will be in the morning … There’s more to Markov chains than predictive text. For example, fusion bombs.
- ✓ Wardrobes with high entropy suffer less from overfitting. They’re maximally conservative, given the constraints.
- ✓ Generalized linear models wouldn’t be such a big deal if everyone teaching undergrad stats had heeded Nelder’s and Wedderburn’s advice in the original paper to abandon t-tests, ANOVA, etc. They’re not a big deal in this book, which heeded the advice.
Critic’s choice
‘Pathological examples’ of things going wrong with MCMC, in Chapter 8. The intuition of Gaussian and Binomial distributions maximising entropy given constraints in Chapter 9.
Today’s chapters tended to address topics I didn’t expect and hadn’t stated prior beliefs about. For example, it continued a strong case for plots rather than tables, and explored the relative merits of Gibbs and Hamiltonion Monte Carlo.
I remain glum about inference. There have now been several mentions of the fact that enough data will wash out the priors. Today Gelman’s folk theorem of statistical computing was quoted – if modelling is hard you’re doing it wrong. I’d go further and say that if you’re modelling at all then the data isn’t convincing.
For example, there was a statistical hoo-ha a while back about whether the rate of death on New Zealand roads was increasing. Well respected statisticians did their stuff, but whatever they found couldn’t have helped make any important decisions. Better questions to ask are whether the present rate is tolerable, and whether the cost of a change of rate in either direction can be borne. Those are are largely matters of policy and economics. There’s so much data about roads and the economy that I don’t believe modelling would be necessary to make convincing arguments.
Another example, dwelt on in the book, investigated countries’ GDP and terrain. Country-level analysis will never work, because there are only a small number of countries, and they are so various – much more so than, say humans, and we know how hard it is to detect person-level effects.
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Garmonsway (2019, Feb. 20). Duncan Garmonsway: Rebel Bayes Day 3. Retrieved from
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author = {Garmonsway, Duncan},
title = {Duncan Garmonsway: Rebel Bayes Day 3},
url = {},
year = {2019}