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xlsx_color_theme() (alias xlsx_colour_theme() returns the names and RGB values of theme colours defined in xlsx (Excel) files. For example, "accent6" is the name of a theme colour in Excel, which could resolve to any RGB colour defined by the author of the file. Themes are often defined to comply with corporate standards.


xlsx_color_theme(path, check_filetype = TRUE)

xlsx_colour_theme(path, check_filetype = TRUE)



Path to the xlsx file.


Logical. Whether to check that the filetype is xlsx (or xlsm) by looking at the file itself, rather than using the filename extension.


A data frame, one row per colour, with the following columns.

  • name The name of the theme.

  • rgb The RGB colour that has been set for the theme in this file.


examples <- system.file("extdata/examples.xlsx", package = "tidyxl")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    name               rgb     
#>    <chr>              <chr>   
#>  1 background1        FFFFFFFF
#>  2 text1              FF000000
#>  3 background2        FFEEECE1
#>  4 text2              FF1F497D
#>  5 accent1            FF4F81BD
#>  6 accent2            FFC0504D
#>  7 accent3            FF9BBB59
#>  8 accent4            FF8064A2
#>  9 accent5            FF4BACC6
#> 10 accent6            FFF79646
#> 11 hyperlink          FF0000FF
#> 12 followed-hyperlink FF800080
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    name               rgb     
#>    <chr>              <chr>   
#>  1 background1        FFFFFFFF
#>  2 text1              FF000000
#>  3 background2        FFEEECE1
#>  4 text2              FF1F497D
#>  5 accent1            FF4F81BD
#>  6 accent2            FFC0504D
#>  7 accent3            FF9BBB59
#>  8 accent4            FF8064A2
#>  9 accent5            FF4BACC6
#> 10 accent6            FFF79646
#> 11 hyperlink          FF0000FF
#> 12 followed-hyperlink FF800080