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Data cells in a table are associated with header cells by proximity. enhead() joins a data frame of data cells to a data frame of header cells, choosing the nearest header cells in the given direction. See ?direction.


enhead(data_cells, header_cells, direction, drop = TRUE)



Data frame of data cells with at least the columns 'row' and 'column', which are numeric or integer.


Data frame of header cells with at least the columns 'row' and 'column', which are numeric/integer vectors.


The direction between a data cell and its header, one of "up", "right", "down", "left", "up-left", "up-right", "right-up", "right-down", "down-right", "down-left", "left-down", "left-up", "up-ish", "down-ish", "left-ish" and "right-ish". See ?direction.


Logical vector length 1. Whether data cells that can't be associated with a header should be dropped. Default: TRUE.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Load some pivoted data
(x <- purpose$`up-left left-up`)
#>                            X2      X3     X4     X5    X6     X7
#> 1                        <NA>    <NA> Female   <NA>  Male   <NA>
#> 2                        <NA>    <NA>  0 - 6 7 - 10 0 - 6 7 - 10
#> 3           Bachelor's degree 15 - 24   7000  27000  <NA>  13000
#> 4                        <NA> 25 - 44  12000 137000  9000  81000
#> 5                        <NA> 45 - 64  10000  64000  7000  66000
#> 6                        <NA>     65+   <NA>  18000  7000  17000
#> 7                 Certificate 15 - 24  29000 161000 30000 190000
#> 8                        <NA> 25 - 44  34000 179000 31000 219000
#> 9                        <NA> 45 - 64  30000 210000 23000 199000
#> 10                       <NA>     65+  12000  77000  8000 107000
#> 11                    Diploma 15 - 24   <NA>  14000  9000  11000
#> 12                       <NA> 25 - 44  10000  66000  8000  47000
#> 13                       <NA> 45 - 64   6000  68000  5000  58000
#> 14                       <NA>     65+   5000  41000  1000  34000
#> 15           No Qualification 15 - 24  10000  43000 12000  37000
#> 16                       <NA> 25 - 44  11000  36000 21000  50000
#> 17                       <NA> 45 - 64  19000  91000 17000  75000
#> 18                       <NA>     65+  16000 118000  9000  66000
#> 19 Postgraduate qualification 15 - 24   <NA>   6000  <NA>   <NA>
#> 20                       <NA> 25 - 44   5000  86000  7000  60000
#> 21                       <NA> 45 - 64   6000  55000  6000  68000
#> 22                       <NA>     65+   <NA>  13000  <NA>  18000
# Make a tidy representation
cells <- as_cells(x)
cells <- cells[!$chr), ]
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>     row   col data_type chr                       
#>   <int> <int> <chr>     <chr>                     
#> 1     3     1 chr       Bachelor's degree         
#> 2     7     1 chr       Certificate               
#> 3    11     1 chr       Diploma                   
#> 4    15     1 chr       No Qualification          
#> 5    19     1 chr       Postgraduate qualification
#> 6     3     2 chr       15 - 24                   
# Select the cells containing the values
data_cells <-
  filter(cells, row >= 3, col >= 3) %>%
  transmute(row, col, count = as.integer(chr))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>     row   col count
#>   <int> <int> <int>
#> 1     3     3  7000
#> 2     4     3 12000
#> 3     5     3 10000
#> 4     7     3 29000
#> 5     8     3 34000
#> 6     9     3 30000
# Select the headers
qualification <-
  filter(cells, col == 1) %>%
  select(row, col, qualification = chr)
age <-
  filter(cells, col == 2) %>%
  select(row, col, age = chr)
gender <-
  filter(cells, row == 1) %>%
  select(row, col, gender = chr)
satisfaction <-
  filter(cells, row == 2) %>%
  select(row, col, satisfaction = chr)
# From each data cell, search for the nearest one of each of the headers
data_cells %>%
  enhead(gender, "up-left") %>%
  enhead(satisfaction, "up") %>%
  enhead(qualification, "left-up") %>%
  enhead(age, "left") %>%
  select(-row, -col)
#> # A tibble: 72 × 5
#>     count gender satisfaction qualification     age    
#>     <int> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>             <chr>  
#>  1   7000 Female 0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 15 - 24
#>  2  12000 Female 0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 25 - 44
#>  3  10000 Female 0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 45 - 64
#>  4  27000 Female 7 - 10       Bachelor's degree 15 - 24
#>  5 137000 Female 7 - 10       Bachelor's degree 25 - 44
#>  6  64000 Female 7 - 10       Bachelor's degree 45 - 64
#>  7  18000 Female 7 - 10       Bachelor's degree 65+    
#>  8   9000 Male   0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 25 - 44
#>  9   7000 Male   0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 45 - 64
#> 10   7000 Male   0 - 6        Bachelor's degree 65+    
#> # ℹ 62 more rows

# The `drop` argument controls what happens when for some cells there is no
# header in the given direction. When `drop = TRUE` (the default), cells that
# can't be joined to a header are dropped.  Otherwise they are kept.
enhead(data_cells, gender, "up")
#> # A tibble: 33 × 4
#>      row   col count gender
#>    <int> <int> <int> <chr> 
#>  1     3     3  7000 Female
#>  2     4     3 12000 Female
#>  3     5     3 10000 Female
#>  4     7     3 29000 Female
#>  5     8     3 34000 Female
#>  6     9     3 30000 Female
#>  7    10     3 12000 Female
#>  8    12     3 10000 Female
#>  9    13     3  6000 Female
#> 10    14     3  5000 Female
#> # ℹ 23 more rows
enhead(data_cells, gender, "up", drop = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 72 × 4
#>      row   col count gender
#>    <int> <int> <int> <chr> 
#>  1     3     3  7000 Female
#>  2     4     3 12000 Female
#>  3     5     3 10000 Female
#>  4     7     3 29000 Female
#>  5     8     3 34000 Female
#>  6     9     3 30000 Female
#>  7    10     3 12000 Female
#>  8    12     3 10000 Female
#>  9    13     3  6000 Female
#> 10    14     3  5000 Female
#> # ℹ 62 more rows